
so language huh?

We let ourselves to believe that we know what language really is, but in reallity all we know about it is the dictionary deffinition we have made up for it on our own. we created language to express things our hands didnt let us show anymore, we invented language. We developed it and divided it into various types. And now we are so confident of it, so proud of our very wn creation that we consider it motive for discussion. We've spent the past 2 weeks talking and debating about what the heck is it we believe language really means. I feel it is a way of expression, anything you believe to be expressive is your way of language. The type we use the most is vocabulary and words, talking, saying things. Because even though scientists tell us we think through mathematical procedures, in reality when we hear "OMG I wish i could just kick your face!" when we are pissed at someone, or "I could reaaaaally eat a burger right now" when we are hungry, we hear with words and our personal voices inside our head. We dont hear 1 1 1 00 1 0 1 000 or, anything like it, at least I dont!

Language plays a HUGE part in my life, Im a poetry fan and that allows me to express the same feeling with 20 different words and combine those with ideas, images and thoughts all through combining words. I think, I feel, I say with words, and I talk so much I have no idea what I would do if they werent here!

1 comment:

  1. agree 100% poetry :)
    ahh metaphors, how we love them.
