
Is mathematics discoered or invented?

Math... is invented and shifted in order to be able to apply it to our needs!      The earth did not naturaly think up numbers like 3.14 to determine how many times bigger did the circumpherence of a circle had to be in relationship to the diameter!     and how can we know if the square of the hypothenus is the sum of the squares of the other two sides of a right angle triangle. The moment we decided we wanted to measure things, math was born. These things are not "discovered"... they have been found and figured out by mathematicians because they were looking for them! And I'm not saying that these findings are amazing, and yes, they have changed our world entirely. But we have shaped them in order to give reasons to things we can't grasp exactly and perfectly, because we always NEED to understand, we always NEED to know. That's what has gotten us this far out!

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